Marian Doub, she/her
Principal, Marian Doub Consulting. Marian Doub is nationally respected for her expertise in facilitating the design, build, and use of high-integrity data systems for monitoring and improving program results and client outcomes. Marian's reputation comes from her visionary work with dozens of small business development and community-based economic and asset development practitioner and intermediary agencies. Marian brings to her work more than three decades of practical experience adapting participatory evaluation methods, now known as empowerment or capacity building evaluation, to build the knowledge and data management tools nonprofits and supporters need to succeed. In addition, she has co-founded over five grassroots arts and social justice activist organizations and remains active with a variety of causes dedicated to solidarity, peace, and justice for all. Marian joined the Eye Zen Council in 2019 and brings an expertise in nonprofit management, group process, and strategic thinking.