We are eternally grateful to all of our supporters who help make sure we can continue to uplift the legacies of our Queer Ancestors!

Individual Supporters

Forever Family ($2,500+)

Julia Shaw

Martin H Tannenbaum & Alex Ingersoll


Paul Peninger

Kristin Vogel-Campbell


Fabulous Friends ($1000 - $2,499)

Pamela Hollings

Ilyas Iliya

Gregory Kaplan

Juan Manzo

Mark McCormick

Steve Pat

Laurie Reynolds

AnMarie Rodgers

Kevin Schwanfelder

Garrett Smith

Bob Thawley

Peter Toscani

Guy Albert

Chloe Atkins

William Atkins

Mitchell Bakst

Carlos Andres Barrera

Natalie Bonnewit

James Cory

Chris Chang

Irene and Regina Dick-Endrizzi

Nancy Gille

Leandro Gouveia

Robert Guter


Fierce Allies ($251 - $999)

Sharon Miller

Win Mixter

Jerroyd Moore

Kara Owens

Rick Oculto

Luis Pardo

Paul Peninger

Christina Penrose

Michael Ritter

Noah Silas

Stephen Silha

Eric Smith


Tim Annan

Mitchell Bakst

John Bonck

Linda Cardinale

Joanna Davis

Irene Dick-Endrizzi

Grace Heiderscheidt

Gregory Kaplan

John Lewis

Kim Livingston

Seth Meisler


Beautiful People ($250 and below)

Anonymous, Anthony Alcantara, John Alecca, Irena Allen-Maestas, Kristen Anderson, Rob Avila, Anne Bluethenthal, Michael Bongiorni, Aaron Boudreaux, Jennifer Bowles, Linda Cardinale, Mary Casey, Louise Castaldi, Amanda Chaffee, James Cory, Fred Cummins, Rob Darrow, Rebecca Dauer, Debbie Degutis, Karen Demarest, Roni Diamant-Wilson, Marian Doub, Paul Dresher, Katy Duffy-Sherr, Laine Dutton, James Eason, Edward Eisen, Margit Galanter, John Galloway, Susan Goddard, Michael Grimstad, CJ Gross, Scott Harrell, Travis Harrison, Rachel Heron, Billy Chase Herring, Chris Holland, Kaleo Kaluhiwa, Meghan Joliffe, Anita Kline, Sigrid Kulkowitz, David Kubrin, Julie Lazar, David Lebe, T Lark Letchworth, Kala Levin, Jeff Lind, Paul Loper, Stacy Lynch, David McCrory, Eve Minax, Liz Murray, Nina Negusse, Jessica Pasternack, Adam Paulson, Pamela Peniston, Christine Penrose, Laura Perlin, Matt Phillips, Seanny Phoenix, Marco Place, Carol Queen, Pamela Brown, Lisa Radler, Edna Raia, Eli Ramer, Sean Scullion, Mark Spencer, PK Steffen, Beth Stephens, Jean Sward, Erica Tanamachi, Raye Lynn Thomas, Eric Wallner, Ian Waisler, Eric Wallner, Dress Wedding, Gregory Whiting, Allison Wyper


Hey gorgeous, ready to join this impactful community and see your name on this page?


Messages from our supporters:

“Thanks for all the great work you're doing to make this a better and more joyfully creative world!”

“May your beautiful and important work continue to flourish.”

FY22 Government SupportERS